How to adopt a positive work culture in your company?

With the spread of teleworking and the hunt for talent, organisations need to rethink their working methods and more generally their internal culture. The aim is to develop a more positive approach among employees. Here are some explanations.

Temporary work that lasts! If there was any doubt at the beginning of the health crisis, it now seems certain that hybrid work (face-to-face + remote) will persist in the coming years. And this for a simple reason: it is the wish of employees.According to a survey we conducted, 30% of employees said they would be likely to change jobs if they had to be in the office every day,” said Bryan Hancock, partner at McKinsey. in a recent article on hybrid work – Bryan Hancock, partner at McKinsey.

As human capital becomes scarcer than financial capital, companies will need to adapt to the demands of top talent.”

Bryan Hancock, partner at McKinsey.

In other words, this new hybrid situation will undeniably have consequences for the way work is organised in the future. As a result, many organisations will have to rethink their internal culture (management, values, etc.) to make it more positive and therefore more attractive. It is quite simply a question of survival. According to McKinsey, companies with a healthy culture perform three times better than their competitors.

Valuing the potential of each employee

So much for the theory, now it’s time to inject this wind of positivity into organisations. How can we do this? At Elqano, it seems to us that one of the first conditions for this change is the development of the potential of each employee. Today, it is a question of reinforcing the feeling of usefulness of each and every one of us to carry out our daily mission.

Since the health crisis, many employees feel that their work should be more than a job. It should be a purpose in their lives. This creates an interesting opportunity for employers to help teams find more meaning in their assignments.”

Bill Schaninger, senior partner at McKinsey.

This valorisation is of course achieved through the attention of colleagues and/or superiors (congratulations, thanks, etc.). It must also be the result of individual awareness. Within the organisation, each employee must be able to individually measure the importance of his or her role for the smooth running of the activity. I think (that I am useful) so I am (happier at work).

> Find out how Elqano can help you enhance the value of your employees

Creating and maintaining a link between people

Moreover, in a world where the office is no longer the alpha and omega of corporate culture, managers are also encouraged to create, maintain and strengthen links between employees. With a simple motto: put the human element first!When I intervene in organisations, I am often surprised by the progress made by certain teams after just a few free speech sessions,” explains Christine Cayré .When I work in organisations, I am often surprised at the progress made by certain teams after just a few free speech sessions,” explains the Collective Intelligence Facilitator.

“Everything is based on sincerity, respect and listening. By taking the time to tell each other what works, what doesn’t and what we want together for the future, we strengthen the bonds between members of the same team. 

Christine Cayré Collective Intelligence Facilitator.

Managers are advised that this connection requires time and stamina, but is a very relevant investment. Christine Cayré therefore recommends that free and compulsory exchange sessions be regularly included in the agendas. This task can also be entrusted to volunteers within the teams. As part of a mission within the Montpellier University Hospital, thirty facilitators (managers, doctors, etc.) have been trained and are now both ambassadors and guarantors of the institution’s collective intelligence ambition. ” The positive culture must not only be initiated by managers, but also be carried out internally,” says Christine Cayré.

> Create links between your employees with Elqano

Encouraging collaboration

Finally, a more positive work culture also depends on the organisation’s ability to facilitate and encourage collaboration between teams. This includes breaking down the silos that too often keep different departments apart and prevent joint initiatives.

“During the pandemic, we found that communication and connectivity increased within teams. However, the links between teams decreased considerably. Yet these are crucial to ensuring a company’s ability to innovate.”

Bryan Hancock, partner at McKinsey

In addition to encouraging the emergence of projects between teams, managers must also ensure that they break down the preconceptions and representations that hinder collective energy.The anti-culture of positivity is the culture of prejudice,” insists Christine Cayré. Unfortunately, they are inherent in the way work is divided up, with departments that do not know each other. One of the phrases I hear most often at the end of a day of support is: I didn’t know what you were doing, now that I do, I can see better how we can work together. The ultimate demonstration of the benefits of implementing a positive culture within an organisation. It is now up to managers to bring it to life and cultivate it within their companies.

Elqano: AI for a positive work culture

Integrated with MS Teams, our solution allows you to use digital technology to create a positive work culture within your organisation. By analysing your document databases, our artificial intelligence technology identifies the expertise of the various members of your team. The goal? To connect your employees who have questions on certain subjects with those who can answer them. A simple and effective tool for activating the three levers of a positive work culture: creating links, valuing the work of each individual, and encouraging collaboration.